Name:  Absalom West

Position : Civilian

Character Information

Gender:  Male

Species: Human

Age: 59

Date of Birth: 2341

Place of Birth: Undisclosed

Physical Description

Ruggedly handsome, usually has a 5-o'clock shadow growing on his chin. Typically attired in denim pants and pastel shirt. Old Starfleet issue boots.

Solaris History

Rank Class:  Civilian

Assignment :  West's spaceship is the S.S. Rocinanté, an old Xenon class runabout that's been heavily modified and converted into a small cargo ship.

Duty Watch:    N/A


West is gregarious and exudes a casual confidence while maintaining a charming boyish innocence. He has an unquenchable belief in the ultimate good of humanity and the Universe, although both are occasionally marred by pockets of great evil. He has the uncanny ability to 'fit in' with any crowd, whether he be surrounded by Bolian shopkeepers, Klingon warriors, or anything in between. He can be flamboyant at times. In dangerous or critical situations, he always remains cool-headed, no matter how bad things get, preferring to think his way out of jams instead of using force if at all possible.

Psychological Quirks and Problems
West dislikes his first name so never tells it to anyone. Even to his friends, he's just 'West'. Only the rarest, most important individuals in his life get to know his first name.



Almost everything interests West. The universe exists for him to explore and discover, and this sometimes is the cause of trouble.

Pet, A tribble hybrid named Gromit is his constant companion. Or the other way around. Depends which one you ask.

Skills/Training/Professional Skills

West is multitalented. He apparently has a broad educational background, whether from formal schooling or self-training is unknown.

History and Experiences

West's background is mysterious. He never uses his first name. He drifts in and out of people's lives too quickly for anyone to ever get to know very much about him. He seems to be good at almost everything, and has comprehensive working knowledge of many subjects ranging from warp physics and xenobiology to paleo-archaeology and ancient alien languages, suggesting he has had extensive schooling.

At some point in the past, West worked for Starfleet Intelligence. He still has many friends in the service, some in surprisingly high places.

West works odd jobs wherever he can get them, and when he has enough money saved he moves on to the next planet or location. Meanwhile, he has been known to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it, especially if it involves correcting some great injustice or thwarting some great evil. He is full of high-flying stories of harrowing adventures he's had in his never-ending quest to stamp out evil and right wrongs.