Ensign Carrick McCullen

Name:  Carrick McCullen

Position: Helmsman

Rank:   Ensign

Character Information

Gender:  Male

Species: Human / Eireann

Age: Unknown

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth:  Dark Cove Kingdom, PC:E

Language(s):  Spoken Federation and Eireann

Starfleet ID

Serial Number:  

Rank Class:  333Gama 2117

Security Clearance:  Level  7

Duty Watch:   Alpha, Beta  Shifts

Personal History

    Born the Son of a Peasant family in his native kingdom of Dark Cove, Carrick found himself fighting for his and his family's lives one fateful night around the age of 16. It was on that night that he met the man that would soon become his new King. Realizing this man was the foretold King of Prophesy, by ways only an Eireann would know, Carrick soon swore his allegiance and left to begin his training. During this time, more and more people began to join the ranks of the 'army' knowing the man leading them intended to end their oppression and suffering under the current King's rule.
At some point during this time Carrick begins a set of tasks that end with him and three others being named Commanders of the Army. Carrick being the Leader of all Units. Known After the Battle known strictly as Lord First Commander, by Spoken Federation.
Second only to the King Himself Carrick began learning the ways of the Castle as a high ranking Noble, soon meeting a young handmaiden that steals his heart, and he hers it seems. Though that connection would be tested at the age of 21, when his girl is chosen for a day outing with the King and His daughter, only to end in tragedy as they are swallowed up by a Vortex, separating the pair for a long time. Unknown to most is the fact that his girl and the Princess were not the only ones swallowed by that vortex that day. He, his 3 brothers in arms, his King, His King's girl fiona and perhaps many others were displaced along with them. This would not be discovered until much later.

Starfleet History

Found on Earth, by Star Fleet, after Lord Dorcha Drezelan and his girl went searching and asking questions, Carrick was taken to Daystrom Station he meets up with Lord Dorcha and Fiona Drezelan before having his identity confirmed by a series of tests. With this done plans were made to place Carrick on a Starship as a protector of the Soon-to-be Consul to Eire, after having the displaced people found named as refugees. The words 'the needs of the Kingdom outweigh the needs of One.' spoken clearly between King and Lord. However just who would be chosen as that Consul was unknown until they discovered a very young looking First Officer by the name of Breelinn McCullen in the Star Fleet Database. Asked if the girl is his sister Carrick does nothing for a moment but stare at her service record before shaking his head. In the next moment His King is speaking for them both, explaining that this girl is likely one of theirs and needs to be examined as they all have been before the final choice was made.

Circa 2399: The Diplomatic Envoy of King and passengers, arrives aboard the USS Gallant and confirmation is made. With this known Lord Carrick McCullen became Crewman Carrick McCullen, dual helmsman and ops officer, with the Diplomatic and Royal Edict to protect the new Consul at all costs. Moments later their eyes met and all doubts he might have had are erased!

Circa 2400 Ensign Carrick McCullen continues to serve faithfully all requirements placed upon him aboard the USS Gallant now under the command of Captain Breelinn McCullen.