Ensign Clara Danitz

Name:  Clara Jane Danitz

Position:  Engineering

Rank:  Ensign

Character Information

Gender:  Female

Species:  Human (Onlie)

Age: 460 earth year (Miri Kepler Homeworld  10 years old)

Date of Birth:  1940 earth Calander 

Place of Birth:  Southern Continent, Oceania (Miri Kepler-85-M class planet)

Language(s):  Mirish- earth English

Starfleet ID

Serial Number:  220 Delta 098

Rank Class:  Ensign

Security Clearance:  Level 7

Duty Watch:    Alpha Shift

Personal History

The planet known as Miri was discovered by James T. Kirk in 2266. It is the third planet orbiting FGC-347601 in a star system that is identical in every way to Sol except for its location and its history copies the original earth up until the early 1950s. In 1960, developments in microbiology led to an artificially made bio-organism which would prevent the decay of DNA as it replicated. This would slow the rate of cellular decay and allow those with the organism to slow their aging to a rate of 1 day per 100 years. The public outcry over such a thing as near immortality for those rich enough to afford it led to a rogue scientist releasing an airborne viral version. However, this version was flawed and a chemical reaction caused any adults with the virus to become sick with lesions growing on their wrists, armpits, and neck, a fever, paranoia, aggression, and delirium, and finally death. Prepubescent children, however, were affected by the virus in the way it originally intended, aging at a rate of 1 day every century.

By 2266, the bulk of the population had succumbed to attrition. When Kirk discovered the planet (As described in the episode Miri) there were only 31 million “onlies” left on the planet. Breaking the Prime Directive, he instructed federation teachers, counselors, and engineers to go to the planet to help them rebuild.

After the initial resettlement where the federation rounded up the surviving feral children for medical treatment and psychological rehabilitation, questions were raised about the morality of their situation. The Prime Directive states that no contact is to be made with a pre-warp civilization (which the onlies would count as). However, the question of whether they WERE a civilization at all was also raised. In addition, was curing the virus the best idea? By “Curing” the virus, the onlies would have their lives shortened to only 120 like any other human; however, being a child for millennia was not ideal either. In the end, the onlies were left as children but allowed to live independently like adults with adoptive parents checking up on the children regularly. The federation declared that the Onlies would be allowed technology at the level they had already been exposed to but nothing that could not be obtained on the civilian market. If the Onlies wanted weapons or starships they'd have to make their own.

Clara Danitz was 10 years old when the world ended. A prodigy, Clara had already finished a degree in mechanical engineering at Melbourne University by the time the end came. She spent her time studying in various libraries in the city of Melbourne, living off whatever scraps of food she could find and trading her mechanical expertise with other children for supplies, building and restoring old cars, trains, and electrical generators. 100 years after the end of the world Clara noticed the night sky had changed. The familiar constellations were gone. She drew the conclusion that they had moved somehow and devised a plan to send a distress call. If they had moved to somewhere else in space it must be aliens right? Maybe they'll help us...

Clara was a major player in the reconstruction of Miri. The only pre-qualified engineer on the planet her expertise shifted to robotics, automation, and civil engineering and with their new capital city New York built Clara could move onto other things.

During the Dominion War Starfleet contact with Miri was almost non-existent and requests for assistance were met with placations and broken promises. There was no way that the federation could protect a little barely populated M class world with no defenses of their own when they had bigger fish to fry in the Alpha Quadrant. Miri became a target for pirates and poachers. After all if you wanted a valuable pre-20th-century earth artifact you don't have to go to earth to get it or go back in time... just go to Miri. Why bother going to find a Blue Whale when Miri has lots of them! And if you wanna illegally mine resources, well just get some old earth mining surveys and use those because you'll know exactly where to look. And what if you're training spies to infiltrate Earth? Well there's a spare.... All of these were things that happened to the poor planet Miri during that time.

And so a council was called. The Onlies would need to form their own planetary defense force. After all many federation planets had their own forces outside of Starfleet, the Vulcan Science Academy the Andorians and others.


Starfleet History

14 Onlies were chosen to join Starfleet to gain experience which would later be useful in training their own crews. Clara was selected to study engineering and report back... and asked for a special mission. Certain common federation technologies were uncommon on Miri. Replicators, Warp Drives, and Material Sciences were nowhere near the level the Onlies wanted them to be. Clara was asked to obtain schematics for these technologies.