Thank you for your interest in Solaris Base Station. Over the past seven years we have tried to set a more interactive standard of quality Star Trek RPGs. Please review this process in its entirety about us.
Solaris Membership
Solaris Membership is very simple; you fill out our membership application and once accepted, you will be part of the group. There is no cost to our group .
Solaris member whether a role-player ,civiaon or an administrative/Build support member (or both), you have access to any and all privileges we offer .
The goal of Solaris Base Station is to make a Sci-fi Community to help visitors and members have an enjoyable experience, and freely express their fandom as they wish within the framework of this manual and our code of conduct. Solaris member , we hold a philosophy, which values diversity and acceptance of all cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles. It is our belief that through this philosophy, we can build a better community and a better world together. As a member, we expect you to conform to these values while participating in the group. At Solars we strive to create a welcoming environment for all to enjoy.
Note: Membership in Solaris Base Station is open to individuals of ages 18+ real life
Player Information, Character Creation
The first step in your application process is to submit your SL avatar information including name, email address
A full character biography must then be submitted with all fields fully completed. Character biographies generally take several days to create so please take your time before finalizing your submission. If you have any questions about a bio field or are unsure what it means, please contact the Senior Solaris Command Staff
An original sample post is also required (500-1000 words) in which you'll role-play one of four given scenarios on your own. We love meeting new writers and seeing their literary styles, and this allows us to get a feel for your strengths and weaknesses. Storytelling, spelling, grammar and punctuation are atop the list of quality writing skills we value.
Character Review
Following initial application submission, the Command Staff will contact you via email or inworld within 24 hours to review your character biography and provide feedback. This is also a chance for us to get to know you and answer any questions you may have about Solaris and its structure. We'd like to know who you are, what (if any) prior experience you have in inworld and online role-play, as well as your extra interests.
The final application phase consists of your character application approval, what will posted on website and mailing list orientations, mission briefing, player introductions. Onboarding typically takes one week during which you will learn the layout and operations of the ship, the names of other characters and how the Story Arc works , and become familiarized with our current primary plots and subplots. It will be a lot of information to assimilate, but you are now a member of Solaris and or USS Gallant and your journey is just beginning.
Membership Responsibilities
Solaris members, we like to uphold a clean and moral image. People who roleplay wearing the USS Gallant Uniforms (including Unity Hover-text Titles and Group Tags), whether or not you are on the USS Gallant, Solaris base Station, or assets, you must act in an appropriate manner, demonstrating a polite manner and tolerant attitude. While representing Solaris in any way, members must maintain good, respectful so as not to detract from the Family Friendly image that Solaris works tirelessly for years to portray.
a) Solaris Base Station Members are Responsible for:
- Conducting themselves in a manner that reflects positively upon Solaris Base Station and the USS Gallant and all those that has delegated Depatments
- Upholding standards that allow others to look upon them as role models.
- Ensuring that communications always remain open between the members and Solaris Command leadership. This is done through the use of the Chain of Command.
- Fighting against the spread of rumors, misleading stories, and general miscommunication.
- Treat others with respect
- Respecting each other's culture, religion, sexual orientation and beliefs (real Life) or inworld .
- Acting as a family team and helping each other succeed.
- Wearing USS Gallant uniforms and tags as authorized in order to bond a positive image of our group, our members, and our goals.
- Other members wearing modest clothing to present a positive image of our group, our members, and our goals.
- Avoiding conflict at all times.
- Roleplay carrying out their duties as promised, both Out of Character (OOC) and In Character (IC), according to their position, whether roleplaying aboard USS Gallant /Solaris station or in administrative functions.
- Offering only constructive criticism and feedback in order to help us grow and evolve.
- Listening to and respecting the opinions of others.
- Being part of the solution, not the problem.
- Your actions speak for who are
- Striving for impartiality and removing themselves from situations in which they feel their personal judgment could be compromised,
- ensuring alt memberships are not used in such a way as to contravene these regulations,
- Informing their CO and/or Command Staff if they will need to be absent from roleplay for more than one week. So, things can be adjusted
Note: Failure to uphold the these basic guideline , rules and responsibilities as stated above could result in disciplinary action in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein.
b)Things we do not tolerate within Solaris Base Station
- Violation of the membership responsibilities as listed above section A
- Discriminatory remarks, including but not limited to, comments directed at a person's identifying qualities, such as race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, etc. Nor rude and dismaying remarks about a avatar, including who they do things in a negative statement under the same format
- Rude, abusive language or sexual gesturing
- Deceit in the course of conduct.(Intentional)
- Using Solaris public communications including but not limited to the forums, Discord, Facebook and other metaverse group chats for destructive or derogatory purposes. This includes using Solaris systems inappropriately, such as recruitment for other fan groups, the unauthorized marketing of SL businesses, or to send negative or derisive messages about Solaris Base Station, its members or any SL group member.
- Disobeying and or continuing standing Solaris Base Station Rules and t Regulations as laid out in our Manuals here.
- Other such acts that may be thought as inappropriate or incompatible with the standards of Solaris Base Station that are not listed specifically in on our website, discord and or Solaris Manuals
- Misrepresentation on any portion of the application for membership.
- Any action which directly violates or has the intent of causing violations will be delt with in a three phase manner to any part of our rules and guidelines
- In addition to the Solaris Code of Conduct as spelt out in the Solaris Membership (above), Solaris has an Anti-Bullying Policy