Lt. Commander Lucas Lightfoot
Name: Dr Lucas Lightfoot
Position: Chief Medical Officer
Rank: Lt. Commander
Character Information
Gender: Male
Species: Xindi
Age: 1120
Date of Birth: Unknown data from Xindi Prime
Place of Birth: Velandina
Language(s): Xindi , Federation and Non-Federation Dialects
Starfleet ID
Serial Number: 099Beta3275
Rank Class: Senior Officer Medical Div.
Security Clearance: Level 10
Duty Watch: Alpha, Beta Shifts
Personal History
Lucas like many of the different intelligent species developed on Xindus; one of them, the Xindi-Avians, was believed extinct by the 2150s, as the result of a brutal civil war between the six species that destroyed the planet long time ago Being one of the many surviving species Lucas was appected under the governance of the Xindi Council, which contained two representatives from each of the five remaining species.
Each of these five remaining species had their own distinct opinion about which was the dominant species, all separately favoring their own long ago There was, therefore, an enormous amount of conflict and distrust between the species. However, the Arboreals and Primates tended to quarrel the least, with most conflict centering on the aThe different Xindi species were extremely similar in their functionally important DNA, sharing over 99.5% despite the apparent physical differences.
All the Xindi species shared distinctive ridges on their cheekbones and foreheads and down their body aggressive Reptilians and Insectoids, or the indecisive Aquatics.
Lucas Xindi-Reptilian faces were scaly and highly textured, including many small wrinkles and ridges. Like many Reptilians had yellow to brown-colored scales with multiple small spikes coming out of their heads and little tusks, one on either side of the face, protruding from close to the mouth. They had yellow eyes with slitted vertical pupils, and were cold blooded. Like other Xindi, they had a characteristic facial feature, involving a small indentation and a series of little bumps on their cheek bones and down their body. Some with Reptilian tail features . Reptilians' brains had neural pathways that were virtually identical to those of Xindi-Primate brains. But to Have a very High intelligences
Lucas like the different Xindi species were extremely similar in their functionally important DNA, sharing over 99.5% despite the apparent physical differences. Xindi-Reptilians were also stronger and had greater stamina than Humans. For example, they were not affected by phase-pistols set on stun and survived direct hits from MACO particle weapons without suffering any immediately noticeable ill effects from such weapons, apart from being pushed slightly back.
Luca was the Reptilian representative on the Xindi Council until 2154
Lucas sought out to help after the Xindi crisis or Xindi wars, was a interstellar conflict in the Delphic Expanse between United Earth and the Xindi Council lasting nearly a year, from March 2153 to February 2154, involving an attempt made by Enterprise NX-01 to save Earth from destruction by the Xindi. It was a major turning point in the Temporal Cold War, and the incident also helped pave the way for the creation of the Coalition of Planets, a precursor to the United Federation of Planets. Where Dr Lucas began to help out many other cultures becoming great friends with Dr. Phlox on Denobula, in the Denobula Triaxa system.
Began more and more involved Starfleet Medical in the years ahead serving on earth, other starbases and federation ships
Dr Luca today still enjoys his thermal chambers on board their USS Gallant due to his cold-blooded metabolisms
Starfleet History
Little is known about Dr Lucas in the 26th century of an alternate timeline, Xindi served on the USS Enterprise-J during the Battle of Procyon V against the Sphere-Builders.
Dr Lucas training though out many years of Starfleet Medical Officer. Starfleet Bootcamp was easy , but he got himself a goal to help others. He was at the Top of the group when it came to strength centred tasks or training, but in fitness and running also was a easy task towards the top. Lucas dedicated concentration on study and learning meant he picked up how to use many culture Medical needs very quickly and with a high level of achievement and accuracy, but shy away from anger side of the past being Xindi didn’t like using any weapons , ever.
When it came time to decide on any specialist training he wanted to pursue, he had high drive for accuracy and to concentrate on being a general medical officer . Starfleet however, were more impressed with his natural instinct with people, the way he thought and why they behaved as they did, coupled with the high psychology scores he had attained in his advanced exams before joining up. They persuaded him to train as a Psych Officer instead. Still an officer in his own right and with the same medical training as any other doctor , he would be a psychology and psychiatry expert, offering advice where needed in situations where enemy psychology would be useful, carrying out therapy and check ups on the other Starfleet Officers , but also ready to be called into the field of battle when another medical needs was needed.
Lucas did well in the training, naturally gifted in understanding people and how they worked. The theory study only cemented it for him and he graduated straight into a Head of Medical detachment. He served for a Outpost Medical Doctor for many years years, moving across many sectors detachments during that time and achieving the rank of Chief Medical Officer . Shortly after, he was captured during an unsuccessful mission but saved many federation officers and civilians. Even though a few team were already dead. After debriefing and being sent for PTSD therapy he tried to get back into work but found it difficult.
A month later, he tried to resign her commission. When Admiral Foster of Solaris Command apologized for pushing him away saying he made a great mistake for the choice of not making Lucas Chief Medical officer on the USS Gallant . that he could have done more than the previous doctor they brought aboard at the time . Lucas still shy to readjust to life after captivity if that’s what , Admiral Foster told him calmly and matter of factly that it wasn’t just that, but that he need a vacation from time to time and needed a steadier and safer life to help others once again. As Admiral Foster knew of how he was mistreated and not given the respect he needed at his last posting . Starfleet and the USS Gallant needs him and his previous training and experience would allow us to have the best doctor in the fleet . Lucas agreed it was an excellent prospect, and although sad and pained to leave the past outposting he loves transferring over to a highly overactive starship ,fast track course to become a best Chief Medical Officer the USS Gallant has ever had.
During her time on the USS Gallant , Lucas has found himself in many challenging scenarios. The phrase 'never a dull moment' He found himself kept busy as Chief Medical Officer needing to seek out more medical staff to fill in lab, research, medical nurse and even a counsellor.
Once again handed back the centre seat of medical need on a starship, he has been in away team to help out once again to strange new worlds to carry out first contact with an extremely reclusive race that had been partly controlling the borg. Lucas had no choice but to endure a highly intrusive, invasive and violating experience in order to allow them to learn about Starfleet and earn their trust.