Ensign Megan McCullen
Name: Megan Drezelan McCullen
Position: Helmsman/Operation
Rank: Ensign
Character Information
Gender: Female
Species: Human / Eireann
Age: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Pleiades Cluster : Eire
Language(s): Spoken Federation (English) and Native Eireann
Starfleet ID
Serial Number: 024Gamma3339
Rank Class: Ensign
Security Clearance: Level 7
Duty Watch: Gama Shift
Personal History
Born 2 minutes after her twin brother on Eire, Megan was a weak and clearly dying, so she and her family were sent through the Way to get specialized medical care upon Earth. Six years later, it was determined that she was terminally ill and a Wish granting organization granted her wish to go see the medieval series her whole family loved on a big screen. That ended strangely as sometime during her special visit the whole family found itself swept up in....something. When she awakened sometime later, her family including her beloved twin brother Matthew were no where to be found but she found herself back upon the world of her birth, though aside from stories her mother had forever been telling them, she had always just believed it was a wondrous fantasy land. Found and protected by a man that soon joined the army of a man who had all of the signs of the King of Prophesy, she soon found herself traveling with the group.
Fast-forward many months and she was placed in the safety of an Inn while the only family she now had disappeared into a roar of battle. By the next day the Inn Owner shipped her to an orphanage, believing no one would be coming back for her. A day or two later, she finds herself once more face to face with her new King and his Lord Commanders as the King proclaims her his daughter taking her to the Castle to be treated for what was discovered to be a form of an auto-immune disease brought about by being on a world her body could not adjust to for too long as a baby.
So began her life and lessons as a Princess until one day, on a special outing with her Daddy and a young handmaiden, she is caught up in a strange storm.
Starfleet History
When she awakened, she found herself face down on the deck plating of a floating building in the stars, watching in horror as her nursemaid is drug away from her and put in a small room that seemed to hurt her whenever she would try to step out of it. How long she stayed on this station, under the watch of her 'adopted' Admiral mother, Megan is still unsure. But one thing came out of it that she holds tight to, Her sister Deich, Ten in Spoken Federation.
Surprising to the Federation, is the fact that she and Bree seemed to be frozen in time, unable to age physically even as their minds continued to gain knowledge as if they were still aging. As soon as her nursemaid Bree finished Star Fleet Academy, she discovered they were about to be forcefully split up, as Bree had been personally requested to post on a flying ship. But not just any ship, a Sovereign class! Somehow during all of this Megan herself was reunited with her Royal Father and His Lord Commander!
(circa 2400)
Arriving with her Daddy, His Lord First and her sister Ten, who Star Fleet seemed wish brought to the Gallant and to the protection of then First Officer Breelinn McCullen she along with her sister, and new Foster Father were allowed to begin training to become officers.
Currently Megan serves as dual role helm and operations aboard the USS Gallant.