Departments & Positions

*** Science Officer  Position Open  ***

*** Medical Officer & Nurse Position Open ***

Command Staff (USS GALLANT)

The Command department is ultimately responsible for the ship and its crew, and those within the department are responsible for commanding the vessel and representing the interests of Starfleet.

Mission Advisor- Advises the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer on mission-specific areas of importance. Many times, the Mission Advisor knows just as much about the mission as the CO and XO do, if not even more. He or she also performs mission-specific tasks, and can take on any roles that a mission requires him or her to do. Concurrently holds another position, except in rare circumstances.

Commanding Officer- Ultimately responsible for the ship and crew, the Commanding Officer (CO) is the most senior officer aboard a vessel. S/he is responsible for carrying out the orders of Starfleet, and for representing both Starfleet and the Federation.

First Officer The liaison between captain and crew, the Executive Officer (XO) acts as the disciplinarian, personnel manager, advisor to the captain, and much more. S/he is also one of only two officers, along with the Chief Medical Officer, who can remove a Commanding Officer from duty.

Second Officer  At times the XO must assume command of a starship or base. When this happens, the XO needs the assistance of another officer to assume his/her role as XO. When required, the Second Officer will assume the role of XO, or if needed CO, and performs their duties as listed, for as long as required.

Strategic Operations Officer  The Strategic Operations Officer is a unique officer within the starship's Command department. He or she answers to the CO and XO, and is responsible for coordinating Starfleet and allied assets within a designated area of space, as well as tactical analysis and intelligence gathering.

Senior Conn Officer  A Conn officer must almost always be present on the bridge of a starship, and every vessel has several Conn officers to allow shift rotations. S/he plots courses, supervises the computer's piloting, corrects any flight deviations, and pilots the ship manually when needed. All support craft sorties and daily maintenance are also the responsibility of the flight crew. Conn officers report to the senior-most commanding officer on duty, usually either the CO or XO.

Conn Officer  A Conn officer must almost always be present on the bridge of a starship, and every vessel has several Conn officers to allow shift rotations. S/he plots courses, supervises the computer's piloting, corrects any flight deviations, and pilots the ship manually when needed. All support craft sorties and daily maintenance are also the responsibility of the flight crew. Conn officers report to the senior-most commanding officer on duty, usually either the CO or XO.

Security & Tactical Operations (USS GALLANT)

Merging the responsibilities of ship-to-ship and personnel combat into a single department, the Security & Tactical department is responsible for the tactical readiness of the vessel and the security of the ship.

Chief Security Officer The Chief Security Officer (CSEC) is also known as the Chief of Security. Her/his duty is to ensure the safety of ship and crew. Some CSECs take it as their personal duty to protect the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer on away teams. S/he is also responsible for people under arrest and the safety of guests. Like other department heads, s/he is also a member of the senior staff and responsible for all the crew members and duty rosters within her/his department. 

* The Chief of Security role can also be combined with the Chief Tactical Officer position.also see our experience point program for learning

In addition to traditional security duties, the Chief of Security also performs and oversees all Tactical duties related to starship offensive and defensive weapon systems aboard the vessel.

Deputy Security Officer    The Deputy Security Officer (DSEC) is sometimes called the Assistant Chief of Security. S/he assists the CSEC with departmental operations in daily duties, including issues regarding security, tactical, and any administrative matters. If required, the DSEC must be able to take command of the Security department.

Security Officer  There are several Security officers aboard the vessel. They are assigned to their duties by the CSEC and DSEC, and mostly guard sensitive areas, protect personnel, patrol, and handle other threats to the Federation. The tactical component of the job involves running and maintaining the numerous weapons systems aboard the ship as well as and analysis and tactical planning of current missions. Security officers are often times trained in ground combat and small unit tactics.

Operations Management (USS GALLANT)

Operations Manager  The Operations Manager (OM) is sometimes referred to as the Chief Operations Officer and has the primary responsibility of maintaining the vessel's primary, secondary, and auxiliary functions as well as handling any and all logistical matters the crew might encounter. S/he must prioritize resource allocations to ensure the most critical activities can have every chance of success. If so required, s/he can curtail shipboard functions if s/he thinks they will interfere with the ship's current mission or routine operations. The Operations department is by far responsible for the most duties aboard the vessel, ranging from standard maintenance and cargo management to damage control procedures and computer core re-routing.

Deputy Operations Manager  The Deputy Operations Manager (DOM) is the second-in-command of the Operations department and can assume the role of acting Operations Manager on a temporary basis if so needed. Like the OM, the DOM is responsible for daily ship-wide maintenance and logistics which allow it to perform at peak efficiency within the given mission parameters. although the DOM often occupies a bridge station, they sometimes supplement existing bridge crew by performing tasks below decks.

Operations Officer  The OM and DOM cannot man the bridge at all times. Extra personnel are needed to relive and maintain ship-wide operations. The Operations officers are thus assistants to the chief and deputy, fulfilling their duties when required and tending to various personnel and starship needs at any given time.

Boatswain   Each vessel and base has one Warrant Officer (or Chief Warrant Officer) who holds the position of Boatswain. The Boatswain (pronounced and also written "Bosun" or "Bos'n") trains and supervises personnel (including both the ship's company or base personnel as well as passengers or vessels) in general ship and base operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Operations personnel; sets the agenda for instruction in general ship and base operations; supervises auxiliary and utility service personnel and daily ship or base maintenance; coordinates all personnel cross-trained in damage control operations and supervises damage control and emergency operations; may assume any Bridge or Operations role as required; and is qualified to temporarily act at Operations if so ordered.

(* within our group we like to assign every Head of ships Depatments to assign general ship and base operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty   assignments to the (Gama Shift- last roleplay shift) The Boatswain reports to the Chief Operations Officer and or Command Operations)

Transporter Chief  The Transporter Chief is responsible for all transports to and from other vessels, stations, facilities, and any planetary bodies. When transporter operations are not occurring, the transporter chief is responsible for keeping the transporter system running at peak efficiency. Personnel assigned to the Transporter Chief are usually NCOs, and the Transporter Chief reports directly to the OM and DOM.

(* assigned to members of the crew as needed per missions)also see our experience point program for learning

Software Engineer  Often a civilian specialist or computer systems engineer contractor, the Software Engineer specializes almost exclusively on the design, development, and maintenance of the onboard computer systems and LCARS software. The software engineer is one of the few personnel aboard a vessel with access to the primary computer cores.

(* small mini roleplays that could be done by any member during roleplay or during any day of the week)

Engineering Operations (USS GALLANT )

The Engineering department has the enormous task of keeping the ship working; they are responsible for making repairs, fixing problems, and making sure that the ship is ready for anything.

Chief Engineer  The Chief Engineer, also known as the Chief Engineering Officer (CEO), is responsible for maintaining the condition of all propulsion systems and equipment on board the vessel. S/he oversees maintenance, repairs, and upgrades of all equipment. S/he also liaises with the Operations department and is responsible for damage control repair teams during crisis situations.

Acting Chief Engineer  The Acting Chief Engineer, same as the Chief Engineer, is responsible for the condition of all systems and equipment on board a Starfleet ship or facility. S/he oversees maintenance, repairs and upgrades of all equipment. S/he is also responsible for the many repair teams during crisis situations.

Deputy Engineering Officer  The Deputy Engineering Officer (DEO) assists the Chief Engineer in the department's daily tasks, specifically in issues regarding mechanical and administrative matters while also coordinating repairs with other departments. If so required, the DEO must be able to take over as Chief Engineer and thus must be well-versed in current starship protocols and schematics.

Engineering Officer  Engineering Officers are the backbone of Starfleet's Engineering Corps and are responsible for (under the guidance of the Chief Engineer) maintaining and repairing the vessel's primary and secondary systems. Engineering officers perform standard daily maintenance, oversee propulsion system functionality, and assist in any damage control-related emergencies.

* Engineer's Mate   The Engineer's Mate is a junior enlisted or cadet who is currently undergoing hands-on training within the Engineering department. They possess foundational knowledge within the fields of departmental operations and protocols, but require further skillsets to become fully-qualified Engineering officers. Engineer's mates report directly to the CEO and DEO.

*Computer Systems Specialist  Computer Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. The new generation of Computer systems are highly developed. This system needs much maintenance and the Computer Systems Specialist was introduced to relieve the Science Officer, whose duty this was in the very early days.  A small team is assigned to the Computer Systems Specialist, which is made up from NCO personnel assigned by the Assistant and Chief Engineer. The Computer Systems Specialist reports to the Assistant and Chief Engineer.

* Encryption Specialist  This NCO takes submitted Intelligence reports and runs them through algorithms, checking for keywords that denote mistyped classification and then puts the report into crypto form and sends them through the proper channels of communication to either on board ship consoles or off board to who ever needs to receive it. The Encryption Specialist reports to the Chief Engineering and/or Intelligence Officer.

* Damage Control Specialist   The Damage Control Specialist is a specialized Engineer. The Damage Control Specialist controls all damage control aboard the ship when it gets damaged in battle. S/he oversees all daily maintenance &  damage repair aboard the ship, and coordinates repair teams on the smaller jobs so the Chief Engineer can worry about other matters.

*Matter/Energy Systems Specialist   The Matter / Energy Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. All aspect of matter energy transfers with the sole exception of the warp drive systems are handled by the Matter/Energy Systems Specialist. Such areas involved are transporter and replicator systems. The Matter/Energy Systems Specialist is the Officer in charge of a small team, which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Assistant and Chief Engineer. The Matter/Energy Systems Specialist reports to the Assistant and Chief Engineer.

*Propulsion Specialist    Specializing in impulse and warp propulsion, these specialists are often specific to even a single class of ship due to the complexity of warp and impulse systems.

*Engineering Technician   Engineering technicians are civilian contractors assigned by Starfleet's Corps of Engineers. They specialize in a variety of Engineering disciplines and are assigned on a per-case basis to suit very specific needs. Technicians do not hold a fleet rank and therefore report directly to their department head, thereby bypassing the traditional command structure.

(* small mini roleplays that could be done by any member during roleplay or during any day of the week)also see our experience point program for learning

Science & Research Operations ( USS GALLANT)

From sensor readings to figuring out a way to enter the strange spacial anomaly, the Science & Research department is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries.

Chief Science Officer  The Chief Science Officer (CSO) is responsible for the function and proficiency of both Science departments. Duties include supervision of all scientific data the starship collects as well as the distribution of such data to specific sections within the vessel's departments for analysis. All ship-wide research and development projects are also overseen by the CSO. S/he is also responsible for providing the captain with any and all pertinent scientific information needed for command decisions.

Deputy Science Officer  The Deputy Science Officer (DSO) assists the CSO in all areas, including administration and analysis of scientific data. The DSO often takes part in specific analysis of important data along with the CSO, however spends most of their time overseeing current projects and their section heads.

Science Officer  There are many general science officers aboard each Nova II-class vessel, and they form the bulk of the starship's personnel compliment. They are assigned to their duties by the CSO and DSO in consultation with the CRO. Assignments include work for specialized research and development projects, scientific analysis and data collection, general operations, and any additional duties currently being carried out by either of the two Science departments.

*Scientist's Mate   The Scientist's Mate is a NCO or cadet who is currently undergoing hands-on training within the Science and Research department. They possess foundational knowledge within the fields of departmental operations and protocols, but require further skillsets to become fully-qualified Science officers. Typical duties include specimen preparation, cataloging, and storage. Scientist's mates report directly to the CSO and DSO.

(within our group the head of Science Department ) also see our experience point program for learning

* Astrometrics Officer  A specialized Science officer usually in charge of stellar cartography, the Astrometrics Officer compiles and interprets cosmological data. This role entails the maintaining, correction and production of new stellar maps, and has close ties with the the ship-board physicists and stellar cartographers.

* Linguist   A linguist is a specialized Communications officer or civilian specialist who studies the development and progression of various languages and forms of verbal communication. This role involves the study of new and old languages and text in an attempt to better understand and interpret their meaning. Linguists are usually fluent in a variety of languages and combine historical methods of study with practical communication applications.

*Bioengineer  Bioengineers are specialized science personnel (often civilians) who are responsible for the application of concepts and methods of biology (and secondarily of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science) to solve problems in life sciences while using Engineering's own analytical and synthetic methodologies.

*Chemical Engineer  Often a civilian specialist position, chemical engineers are responsible for engineering that deals with physical science (e.g., chemistry and physics), and life sciences (e.g., biology, microbiology and biochemistry) with mathematics and economics, to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms.

*Nanoengineer  Nanoengineers are specialized personnel who are responsible for the study and development of nanotechnology. Advances in this field ever since the UFP's encounter with the Borg remains fluid, and nanoengineers are often at the forefront of modern medicinal and technological breakthroughs using this new technology.

*Biotechnologist  Biotechnologists are very specialized personnel, often civilians, who are responsible for the study of living organisms and bio-processes in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields requiring bio products.

*Molecular Biologist   Commonly found aboard science vessels and research stations, molecular biologists are responsible for studying the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between the different types of DNA, RNA, and protein biosynthesis, as well as learning how these interactions are regulated.

Medical & Counseling Operations (USS GALLANT)

The Medical & Counseling department is responsible for the mental and physical health of the crew, from running annual physicals to combatting a strange plague that is afflicting the crew to helping a crew member deal with the loss of a loved one.

Chief Medical Officer   The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is responsible for the physical health of the entire crew but does more than just patch up injured personnel. His/her function is to ensure they do not get sick or injured to begin with, and to also maintain the good order and wellness of the crew. The CMO monitors crew health and conditioning with regular check ups. If necessary, the Chief Medical Officer can remove any crew member from duty, although these circumstances are extremely rare. The Chief Medical Officer is available to provide medical advice to any individual who requests it and is responsible for maintaining patient confidentiality.

Deputy Medical Officer   The Deputy Medical Officer (DMO) assists the CMO in all department areas such as administration and application of medical care. The DMO often specializes in a certain branch of medicine such as surgery or pediatrics, and uses his/her skills to supplement those of the rest of the department's personnel.

Medical Officer   Medical Officers undertake the majority of the department's work aboard the vessel, including crew examinations and medical care administration under the instruction of the CMO and DMO. Medical Officers also assist with other medical issues not directly overseen by the Medical department, such as those within the Science & Research department.

Nurse  Nurses are trained in basic medical care and are capable of dealing with less serious medical cases. In more serious matters, the Nurse assists the Medical Officer on duty with the examination and administration of medical care, including injecting required drugs or simply assuring the injured party that they will be okay. Nurses also maintain the medical ward and oversee the patients by ensuring they are receiving medication and care as instructed by medical officers.

Counselor   Counselors are a necessity aboard any starship due to the stresses and rigors of space travel. They rely upon their medical training and psychological studies to regularly evaluate the mental well-being of the crew and its commanders. They serve as confidants and advisors to any crew member who requests such services.

( *Counselors roleplay is as needed and or can be roleplayed by any Senior Medical Officer )

Civilian Affairs

Civilians play an important role in Starfleet. Many civilian specialists across a number of fields work on occasion with Starfleet personnel as a Mission Specialist. In other cases, extra ship and station duties, such as running the ship's lounge, are outsourced to a civilian contract. Or just a regular Hangout to the group

Mission Personnel

Mission Personnel play a pivotal role in the Gallant episodes. These characters include Aliens, Pirates ,antagonists, and everything in between. Trek canon or Non canon roleplay

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