RPG Universe Backstory

Stardate : 67613.83
Earth date February 22, 2392
Location; Maxia Sector / Solaris System, Alpha Quadrant (non-canon system)
The Solaris Space Station

Summary Update:
Stardate: 72967.99
Earth date: Dec 21,2397
Location; Maxia Sector / Solaris System, Alpha Quadrant (non-canon system)
The Solaris Base Station

Disclaimer: The Maxia Sector is a Star Trek canon system. But the Solaris System is non-canon system for RP / SL Purposes.

The Solaris system is an inhabited star system located in the Maxia Sector of the Alpha Quadrant. It is many hundreds of light years from the Sol system. It consists of a single primary star, five planets, several moons, and an extensive asteroid belt. Other star systems located in the Maxia Sector include the Lambda Bootis System, Lukari System, Maxia Zeta System, and the Neethia System. The Solaris System is located in the center of the Maximus Sector while the other Star Systems are more closer to the border of the area. There are several empires that are located in the nearby sectors….The Breen to the West, The Defari to the South West, directly south are the Tzenketh who trade with the Breen and to the south below the Defari is the Cardassian Union.

The Solaris sun is a single star, spectral class K9V, which makes it slightly oranger and cooler than Earth’s sun. The first planet, named Fae’via, is home to a unique indigenous species, and there is a Federation facility, named Solaris Space Station, in orbit of the star itself.


Thirty years ago, the Dytalix Mining Corporation survey ship, DMC Proxima, was scouting the surrounding sectors for new mining resources. While skirting the edges of the nearby Lukari System long range sensor scans detected a small planet in a very unusual star system. The bizarre solar radiation emitted from the systems sun severely interfered with their equipment, preventing close approach, long-range scans suggested that the first planet in the system was inhabited.


The information regarding the unusual radiation and life signs was forwarded as a diplomatic courtesy to Starfleet Command. The USS Pegasus, an Oberth class science vessel, was dispatched to investigate. In the field report by Captain Earlville it quickly became clear the unknown solar radiation would prevent any serious exploration of the system until special equipment and shielding was developed. Both the Daystrom and Felkner Institutes were given grants to begin studies into this natural phenomenon.

While science, at that time, had barely begun to understand the many strange properties of the system’s radiation fields, the Felkner team did manage to develop some high solar radiation shield modulations needed to finally enter the system and land on Solaris I.

What they found was unprecedented in the history of galactic exploration — Solaris I, called “Fae’via” by the natives, was a storybook Eden filled with beings and creatures straight out of fairy tales. The native Fae’vians are tiny, winged sprites with the power of unaided flight. First Contact was actually initiated by the Fae’vians themselves, who seemed to somehow magically know the instant the landing parties touched down. They also spoke perfect English, despite never having met Earth people before.
The Fae’vians welcomed the Federation explorers with enthusiasm, and in the years since that first meeting, several of the tiny people have joined Starfleet or serve on other Federation starships. In 2392 the USS Firefly, a miniature sized Fae’vian starship, has been built to accommodate the wee folk. .Since then, the system has become a sport port for many different starships, runabouts and other class ships to the area. It is now considered to be the jewel of the federation in the Alpha Quadrant as Risa is in the Beta Quadrant.

On Stardate 67850.04, March 25,2392 Earth Date, the Solaris Space Station retired and closed its long research. But shortly before the closure of the Space Station the Felkner team did manage to develop some permanent shield modulations needed to finally enter the system and land on Solaris I. With this new shield modulations, it was now possible to continue the retired station research safely on the newly constructed Solaris Base Station now located on the planet of Solaris I. Adjacent to the Solaris Base Station there has also been a new Space Port constructed by the name of Unity Star Space Port operated by a combination of Star Fleet, Civilians, and the local natives. It has its own defense / security force and Star Fleet maintains a presence as a diplomatic courtesy. Its name given to indicate it is the main port of landing in the Solaris System. Also there has been a compliment of Space docks erected in orbit of the planet to accommodate larger star ships and other vessels that wish to dock for repairs or for extended stays on the planet.

Solaris System Data: Inter system planets:

I – Fae’via ( Also known as Solaris I )
II – Raxon
III – The Eye of Telak 
IV – Ticororia
V – Ii’unter

Asteroid Belt

* 7 other outer planets in dispute of Mix sectors ownership via treaties in Maxia Sector during the wars( This system is remembered as the place where the Battle of Maxia occurred in 2355.)

The new facility known as Solaris Base Station is located in orbit of the planet Fae’via that is also knows as Solaris I.  On the planet is a small privately funded outpost jointly operated by the Federations Task force One, Civilian entities, local natives, and it is also an Embassy to many Alpha Quadrant worlds. The Solaris Base Station services many Star Ships routinely, both Starfleet and otherwise, The Solaris Base Station Space are both open ports to all friendly or neutral powers. Its main purpose is not only to further study the unusual radiation of the Solaris sun but also as a diplomatic point for the surrounding well as to maintain open contact with the native people of Fae’via, and a peaceful, relaxing relationship to other cultures.

**Solaris I – Class M – Fae’via:

Solaris I, known as Fae’via to the indigenous people, is a perfect example of a Class-M planet, and then some. A mild planet-wide climate but also known to have 4 seasons, a land/water ratio of 1:3, a thick atmosphere, the biosphere is a natural Eden. There exists an unclear interaction between the Solaris sun radiation, and the planet’s own magnetic fields which makes Fae’via a truly magical world. The diminutive Faevians have the power of flight granted by their wings and the thick atmosphere, they have displayed significant Esper abilities. Starfleet maintains only minimal noninvasive presence on the planet itself and since contact many Fae’vians have chosen to join Starfleet.

**Solaris II – Class D – Raxon:

A rocky grey world rich in mineral salts

**Solaris III – Class J – The eye of Telak:

(a large gas giant with a storm similar to Jupiter) ~some fav’ian mythology perhaps??

**Solaris IV – Class H – Ticororia:

Shrouded in a thick layer of cloud this dead world is suffering an extreme greenhouse effect. Minimal studies have been done as to what its surface is like.

**Solaris V – Class K – Ii’unter (pronounced: Eye-oun-ter):

An uninhabited ice world that could be adaptable with pressure domes

*Asteroid Belt:

In recent years being mined by the Dytalix Mining Corporation who in a novel approach hollow out the rocks and use them to shield from the star’s radiation

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