Name: Stuka Enyo
Position : Earth and Solaris Defense Force
Character Information
Gender: Male
Species: Hybrid husky
Date of Birth: SL(Second Life) DOB 09/23/2010
Place of Birth: Solaris 1 most southern Britainis colony
Solaris History
Rank Class: Civilian
Assignment : . Earth Defense Force, Solaris One planet police and firefighting dept.
Duty Watch: Daily on the ground or in the air!
Skills/Training/Professional Skills
Member of the old Solaris Space Station and it's sim
Solaris Police and Fire Department. Flys multiple aircraft around the sim. Helps play on stage at AfterMath Club
Solaris discord page streams and videos
History and Experiences
The year is 2024 AD. Mankind has won the long battle against the unknown invaders. The enemy Primers are now gone and peace has returned to Mother Earth. However, the population has shrunk to 10% and the world was on the verge of collapse. The survivors fought against the remaining threats while trying their best to continue their recovery. Three years passed in the year 2027. In a new world without hope, the time has come to once again resist the fate of the Earth.
Save the future of Earth in the new world.
The identity of the invader that has long tormented Earth is finally revealed. A chain of deep despair that strikes in a devastated world for the first time in the series...But your presence as a soldier of the EDF will lead humanity to the greatest joy. Now you must face it with courage and wisdom.