Ensign Deich {Ten} Drezelan McCullen
Name: Deich {Ten} Drezelan McCullen
Position: Operations
Rank: Ensign
Character Information
Gender: Female
Species: Hybrid Tekaran / Borg {organic construct}
Age: since discovered 5, biological age "unknown"
Date of Birth: 2395
Place of Birth: Classified by the Daystrom Institute
Language(s): Spoken Federation
Starfleet ID
Serial Number: 101 Beta 1336
Rank Class: Ensign
Security Clearance: Level 7
Duty Watch: Gama Shift
Personal History
Star Fleet Classified Log E Level 12 or above Access: only
During the year of 2391 : A Borg Stasis Chamber was found under then Commander Andromeda of the Space Station Pathfinder. A small Borg child was found aware and alert. showing only partial assimilation. She gave the designation 10 of 12 and was shown completely separated from the collective as per this log entry.
Weeks after was showing signs her body was in full rejection of the implants. Only ones needed for biological function remained. reason: biological makeup removed them.
after about a 1 year after a spacial jump in time of the Pathfinder station. She started to exhibit rapid aging and was diagnosis with "genetic fading" possible cause of condition .Assimilation by the Borg
Short time after the Pathfinder station was destroyed. some minor casualties but then named Ten Elizabeth was not found. presumed killed in the station
Date: 2395 : While out on a exploration mission current Admiral Andromeda of the station Valhalla . The remains of a Borg Queen Sphere was found almost 80 percent destroyed. Only small signs of Borg remains and some functioning consoles.
The discovering of a fully active Borg Maturation Chamber appearing to have been modified was discovered. The body of Ten Elizabeth was found a short distance away cause of death genetic fading.
The child found inside appeared 100% humanoid with only purple hair and a Borg mechanical umbilical attached in the back of the neck. Information found indicate this was a cloning experiment made by Ten Elizabeth to cure her condition. The child was removed found awake and alert and showing about the age of 2. saying her name being designation "10 +1" reason for altered designation unknown .
Was put under high classified Status due to location found and unknown way that was cloned. Shown to be from biological DNA sampling to be a Takkaran / Borg Hybrid leaning more to the Humanoid aspects.
So far showing slow development and growth as a normal health child except for examples of what is classified as Technopathy the ability to mentally interact with machine. extent of this ability remains unknown.
other unique defining feature she has thicker then normal bone structure and inside the bones a set of techno-organic nanites similar to the Borg Nantes found in most. reason for them unknown
Has been kept under watch by Star Fleet Command Scientific division threw the Daystrom Station. where the remains of the biological mother Ten Elizabeth and the Borg maturation chamber used is kept.
Starfleet History
was placed as a acting ensign at the remarkable age of 4 by Admiral Andromeda of the Station Valhalla. shown classified information of interaction and mission by the Admiral herself .reason unknown
was sent to the Daystrom Station by command under the current Scientific administration as a unknown signal was found connection her to the maturation chamber .
An envoy of a Diplomat named Dorcha Drezelan was requested to attend to a task while heading to the USS Galllant ON Diplomatic assignment, to transport the child named Ten Drezelan as per agreement with the given party for then first Officer Breelinn McCullen to be given custody of the child, as per previous their previous connection during her time aboard the Valhalla .
Is now serving duty aboard the Gallant on the Gamma shift to eventually learn and grow still under the watch of Daystrom station until further notice.