Lt. Commander Natsuki Jinxing
Name: Natsuki Jinxing
Position: Tactical/ Special Operations
Rank: Chief of Security
Character Information
Gender: Female
Species: hybrid Caitian/Vulcan
Age: 40
Date of Birth: 2360
Place of Birth: Caitian
Language(s): English,Caitian,Vulcan,Klingon
Starfleet ID
Serial Number: 472SO3278
Rank Class: Chief Of Security
Security Clearance: Classified
Duty Watch: Classified
Personal History
Abilities limited telepathic & Psychokinesis
She is a holder of a Rod of Kel an ansecitory Vulcan Healing /Weapon
Great Grand Daughter Lieutenant Shiboline M'Ress
Starfleet History
Major - Natsuki Shiboline Jinxing House M'ress , Head of the Solaris / Gallant Marines also an agent of Section 31
Also has connections with the Department of Temporal Investigations due to her grandmother Lieutenant M'Ress
The Major being out of the Starfleet Marine Corps (abbreviated SFMC) been, based upon marines and army infantry of many of our Federation member planets.
Starfighter Corps and Starfleet Intelligence, the SFMC is still our autonomous branch of the Starfleet Operating Forces, falling under the jurisdiction of the Starfleet Admiral Foster assign toe the Maxi sector, but not under the auspices of Starfleet itself.
Solaris Station primary role of the Marines within our group is to maintain a well-armed offensive and defensive force for rapid deployment anywhere within Federation and outlying space. Marine detachments is assigned to the Solaris base Station and duties aboard the USS Gallant to assist the crew in battles, in boarding enemy ships, and conducting planetary actions, as well as assisting in the defense of Federation installations. They also served as a landing force, securing an area for transporter or shuttle landing. In our Roleplay setting the Marine units also serve as security as needed, helping walk a patrol, investigate crime or administer the brig and sometimes like tactical, our Marines do time to time operate the ship's weaponry as needed. As a result of their mixed land and space role, Marine forces are mainly specialized in amphibious (figuratively 'of two worlds') assaults using infantry, armor, artillery, air/spacecraft, and watercraft. They train for many combat scenarios including hostage recovery, rescue of Federation citizens caught in the midst of civil war, as well as full ground-based combat. Beyond that gives her duties as Lt Commander as Chief of Security aboard the USS Gallant