Lieutenant Reena Grigorovich
Name: Reena Grigorovich
Position: Operation Officer 1
Rank: Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender: Female
Species: Human/ 1/4 Betazoid
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 2372
Place of Birth: Alpha III
Starfleet ID
Serial Number: 422Alpha2631
Rank Class: Lieutenant
Security Clearance: Level 9
Duty Watch: Alpha Shifts
Personal History
daughter of a Cargo Captain, Reena Grigorovich was born on a cargo ship as were her 4 brothers and two sisters
Parents - Capt Anderson Grigorovich and Lt Jane Uhura Grigorovich is the great granddaughter of Nyota Uhura , Reena Grigorovich Mother was raised on the earth Colony in the Alpha Canaris system
Starfleet History