Esn. Rick Worthy
Name: Rick Worthy
Position: NPC Operation Officer
Rank: Ensign
Character Information
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 2368
Place of Birth: Minos Korva Colony
Language(s): English
Starfleet ID
Serial Number: 422Alpha3621
Rank Class: Ensign
Security Clearance: Level 7
Duty Watch: ALL Shifts
Personal History
Rick was born in 2362 to Paul and Candace Alexander. Rick was the eldest of 2 children, with 4 years separating him from his younger sister. Growing up he was very close to his family, with most of his extended family living within a short flight from one another. Rick was raised on Minos Korva.
Growing up, Rick and his sister Mina were close; Rick was very protective of his younger sister and her friends. For some reason Mina was always popular with the boys, and as such, Rick was always making sure they were being gentlemen like and respectfully. On more than one occasion, drove off potential boyfriends, wanting only the best for his sister.
During Rick’s teen years Rick was witness to some of the horrors of the Dominion War. His home planet had been on the front-lines during the war and as such, was attacked several times. Every time the Dominion tried, they had failed. Rick witnessed the heroism and the bravery of Starfleet and knew that was what he wanted to do.
At the age of 18 Rick enlisted in the Starfleet Marine Corps for a 5 year contract. Rick had never been in the best of shape. He had always been on the heavier side and during boot camp Rick struggled, initially having trouble pushing himself to what was required of him. He was always the target for Intensive Training and the battle buddy for other intensive training sessions when others in his platoon made a mistake. Rick nearly broke before the end of training, with only two weeks left Rick thought he was done and he couldn’t take it any. Before they separated him he sat down with one of his Drill Instructors Sergeant Mendoza resulting in a long conversation. “We are not all meant to be heroes. Many of us are just regular guys who want to do right in the universe and this is the only way we know how. We aren’t going to force you to stay, you can walk out that hatch, and we will do our best to send you on earliest transport we can. Though I don’t want to do that, I know that you can do this. In fact, if you choose to stay, I am going to make the next two weeks harder for you then the last two months combined. I want you to stay recruit, you have heart that the Corps needs, you have a mind that the Corps needs, you have skills the Corps needs. Everything you need, you have, right here. Now get back out there.” It was from that point that Rick was able to realize his potential and received the proper motivation to see him through boot camp; graduating as the honor graduate, and awarded an early promotion. However, what mattered most to Rick during graduation was the day the Sergeant Mendoza handed him his eagle, globe, and anchor; telling him how proud he was of his success and planned on keeping track of his career.
Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, Rick’s enlistment to Corps was relatively uneventful. He spent much of his 5 years attached to an Intelligence Unit, where he picked up fairly decent analytical, briefing, and decision making skills. Rick specialized in Counter Intelligence, whether it was through active surveillance of potential hostile persons or through the removal of intelligence gathering equipment. Ryan was never one to be shy and was often called upon to give his options on security during high level briefings.
Once Rick finished his enlistment from the Marine Corps he tried life as a civilian, co-opening a bar with a group of fellow marines on Deep Space 10. However, after a few months Rick grew bored, deciding that a bar owner was not something that he was destined to be, so he applied to Star Fleet Academy.
Starfleet History
Rick graduated the Starfleet Marine Corps in 2381, where he was promoted to Private First Class and selected to participate in the Counter Intelligence and surveillance service. For 5 years he and his team infiltrated and gather intelligence on numerous organizations and syndicates operating within Federation space. He left the Marine Corps as a Sergeant.
In 2386 he applied to Starfleet Academy, scoring fairly high marks, was accepted. In 2390 he graduated as an Ensign and was assigned to USS Gallant where he was assigned as an Operations Officer.
In 2397 he was thought to have been killed in action during in an attack on the Gallant NCC-74206 , which would inevitably result in destruction of the Gallant NCC-74206. He had been beamed off the Gallant moments before its destruction with Captain Scott , however he sustained severe burns across his entire body was placed in stasis until recovered by the Federation Diplomatic Mission to Kreanus and taken to a facility with proper medical facilities to handle that level of trauma.