Ensign Rose Riverleaf
Name: Rose Riverleaf
Position: Operation Officer 2
Rank: Ensign
Character Information
Gender: Female
Species: Caitian
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 08 31 2373
Place of Birth: Planet Cait
Language(s): Caitian, Druidic
Starfleet ID
Serial Number: 145Beta 9025
Rank Class: Ensign
Security Clearance: Level 7
Duty Watch: Beta Shifts
Personal History
Rose Riverleaf was born in 2373 on her home planet of Cait, her childhood was odd, as she was unable to speak until she came of age at 16 when she met Mindara, her first ever friend in her life
Starfleet History
She Joined Starfleet Academy at age 17, from recommendations, she did well in her classes there, almost Prodigal, top of her class in the fields of Science and Medical, with her goal to be in an All purpose Department, she chose the Operations Department so that she could gain experience in all fields,