StarTrek Group- Ops Manual






This manual section is to set out the rules and the characteristic of Starfleet, a role-playing game that is set in the Star Trek® universe which is based in SecondLife  3D virtual World

This outlines how United Federation of Planets -Starfleet is played; the resources that are relied upon; to talk about all the rights, privileges, tasks, duties and responsibilities of our members; our code of conduct; dispute resolution; etiquette and behavior.



Rules of Conduct


1. Fairness. Kindness. Respect.

Those who involve themselves in this virtual reality as avatars come from a vast background, ethnicities, age groups, gender identifications and cultures. This diversity is a core feature and a strength of virtual communities but can also lends prepositioning itself to misunderstanding and to the possibility of behaviors that some might regard as normal, and others find offensive. This displacement cannot be completely foreseen and guarded against. Just for  this reason, we provide an ethical structure that we expect all members to follow regardless of rank or position in the organization.


Members shall not threaten violence  in any way or sort towards other group members or guests at our facilities, or engage in threatening, sexist, racist, lewd or offensive behavior on Solars Base Station land or while wearing the Starfleet uniform, or in any situation where they are representing our group. . A violation of this rule will lead to censure, up to and including expulsion from the organization.


Members shall treat each other with fairness so that no person is advantaged or disadvantaged by any factor outside of a reasonable system of rewarding their performance within our group    through opportunities and deployment. Anyone that cannot hold fast t to this code, which applies especially to senior members, will result in disciplinary action by the Admin and or Command Staff.


Members shall treat each other kindly, regardless of disagreements, differences or disputes.  Solaris /Gallant  Officers will act with dignity, empathy and respect towards their fellow gamers and guests at all times. We may be playing a game but we deport ourselves as adults. Failure to adhere to this code will lead to disciplinary the Admin and or Command Staff.




General Guidelines


2. Rank.

(A) Rank is an artifice that gives structure to roleplay missions. ( example, only one person can be Captain on a vessel for a story to make any sense.) Apart from the roleplay situations we do, rank is fictional. Rank is salient only inside the roleplay environment. Outside of the roleplay environment (OOC) there is no rank or hierarchy (It is the Individuals' choice should be addressed by their avatar names or rank preferred greetings in messaging, thus that could restrict mutual respect or implies superiority.


(B) Rank is assigned by a beginning guideline stature using the unity star maximum system that allows you to freely again your experiences, draw on strength, dexterity and the learning wisdom to earn your character/branch position you play through a continuum of missions. Promotion is based on how you wish to grow as-reward system.  It is just not given out because you think you deserve it . 


3. Executive Command/Chiefs

Executive Command is a panel comprising the Captain & Senior staff  who:


• Manage Crew

• Manage Assets

• Evolve Policy 

The Chiefs are the Head of Dept group who:

• Maintain and evolve the group and its strong points

• Contributing to the effort of our group

• Planning out the mission to their Depatments 

• Mentor junior members

• Resolve disputes/Bring them to Senior Staff

• Manage recruiting

• Plan events


Away  Mission Assignment:

* Mission leader- will be assign by command staff. Mission Leader will report by to the ship

mission leader is also responsible for team readiness to have right gear and items needed (readiness guide)

*Mission Leader- assign team & task to report back to

*Mission Team - will perform the task given and reports back to Mission leader.

4. Dispute Resolution.

(A)  Chief duties is to act in ways that serve the greatest good and facilitate the activities of the group.


(B) Admiral,Captain/XO will hold office hours to meet with their crew members and/or be available on Second Life (in world) or Discord at other times.


(C)  Captain/CO is the first person to resolve any dispute or disagreement between members; Solaris Base Station roleplay(USS GALLANT). If no acceptable-to-all-parties resolution is found, then the issue shall be referred to the Senior Command Group. The decisions of the Command Group are made by majority and are final. The member(s) involved in a dispute are invited to represent their case to the Command Group and to have a support person present throughout the process.   If the matter concerns other members of the Solaris Base Station see admin/ Owner of the land where the matter will be addressed .



(A) The dress code within the active roleplay is a supplied uniform which denotes rank and branch. Plus, a unity system to setup title of information of who you are in roleplay.   


Uniform Hud system allows you to change duty uniforms to an official dress uniform as needed for formal occasions 

A communication system badge to be worn on the uniform used to share text chat anywhere on the SecondLife grid as needed for roleplay


* Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA) suite is provided (suit, helmet, gloves and boots) for roleplay's dealing with being in space, environmental and or Exploring planets that is not breathable or has a threat of danger.

Role-player must have EVA suits. Unity Hud and (Combadge)  communication system badge when this roleplay is called for


* Phaser and or phaser riffle   Danger can always be an issue in some roleplays be prepared and ready as needed


* Mission must is to prepare with a tricorder - a general-purpose device used primarily to scout unfamiliar areas, make detailed examination of living things, and record and review technical data. The medical tricorder is used by doctors to help diagnose diseases and collect bodily information about a patient; the key difference between this and a standard tricorder is a detachable hand-held high-resolution scanner stored in a compartment of the tricorder

* RPCS tricorder as an active part of our roleplay




(B) The USS Gallant uniform in respect is meant for property of USS Gallant Officers only.   Only Members has access to earning this uniform after a day trial time .and any advancement to other part of uniform is earn later. These items are not able for sale, cannot be transfer any non-member.  

If a member leaves the group and certain features of this uniform is used on the grid.  Linden Labs will be notified. These items are private paid services by the owner for the group to use 


(C) Outside of the active roleplay gaming environment there is no clothing restriction other than that imposed by the sim owner (Solaris Base Station Nolan Sim is a Mature settings) and general respect we like to treat it very modest and clean  for the sensibilities of others using the facilities.

*Combadge is optional


6. Joining and Participation.

(A) New members join by application on a supplied form. Their member avatar must be based on a SecondLife account in that environment 


(B) There is no restriction on “alts” (secondary avatars) joining Solaris Base Station. Where a member joins themself and an alt to Solars   for Roleplay they must alert the Admiral and Captain of this. Alts must be able to interact throughout the roleplay without hindering the main avatar doing his/her duties If the main avatar cannot do this, we will ask nicely to not let alt avatar play


(C) A new member is encouraged to participation within the roleplay. Goals are there to earn and grow.   Civilian members may use the Solaris 1 grounds and the Solaris Base Station to Hangout and have fun, events and more. You wish to do your own event? Inform the landowner.  When aboard the Federation Starship USS Gallant there many things to do and hangout   but in respect do not interfere with the Roleplay times.   


USS Gallant officers choose an active branch of Duty. They must be able to familiarize with the requirements and canonical knowledge of that position to attain any rank.  For those lacking skills and wish to learn as they go, become more familiarize there are ways put in place to learn.   Ship Command Staff may also require them to undergo role-play simulation     No matter what phase there are opportunity to grow and feel good about what you earned to make your roleplay experience more fun 


(D) Crewman are encouraged to interact and learn about their chosen branch to improve their general knowledge in that position. They might not have the high action of roleplay but also might be invited to interact with the head officer during given a duty in roleplay to learn the positional requirements of any other branch to become more versatile and reactive to mission needs. The more you know, the better your personal experience will be.


New recruits are encouraged to create a backstory for their character to enhance their own character play and generally add colour to mission interactions.


(E) A service notecard record will be done to track members’ backstory details, positions, rank and Unity Experience program conferred.


7. Absence.

LOA (Leave of Absence) is requested from and granted at the discretion of the Command. As a guide, an application for LOA will generally be accepted if it is for a few months or less. This only applies to officers and not to civilians who are not required to request leave. The absent officer will retain their rank for the duration of a granted leave period. The absent officer will retain their position (e.g. Branch Chief or tactical deployment) for up to 3 months. Beyond that duration of leave then the Senior Command Staff and  Captain/CO has the discretion to retain the officer who has been acting in the vacant position in that role if they are satisfied with that arrangement.


Inactive status is assigned to any officer who is missing from missions for a calendar month and does not communicate with captain/personnel to apply for LOA. The captain can take any steps necessary to replace the position temporarily or permanently at their discretion. Any officer who is inactive for 6 months or longer without communication loses their rank upon coming back to the group   They will automatically be removed from the duty roster, Second Life group page after 6 months.  They may choose to stay on as a Civilian member to the group


Special dispensation to retain rank can be applied for and granted by the Senior Command Staff where there are extenuating circumstances, such as a medical or other emergency event, or a deployment which is beyond the control of the officer.


8. Complaints & Discipline.


(A) Complaints are formal requests to the command staff   to review an action by any officer or group of officers that breaches the code of conduct or rules of USS Gallant and or Solar Base Station . A complaint IS NOT a dislike of our group rules, policies. A complaint is made in writing to any member of the command staff   who will then bring it to the attention of the command staff , excluding anyone in that group the complaint may be about.


The complaint process should not be entered into lightly. Our statement of being a family. We are adults and personality clashes, and minor disputes should be handled interpersonally. Where an issue rises to the level of a complaint, it should be clear that:

 Verbal warning about the complainant

 Written warning about the complainant

 Written  notice settlement can only be reached through intercession or arbitration,
 the complainant has compelling evidence that a breach has occurred thus dismissed from rank and group


As a complaint has been received the command staff will deal with it in a timely fashion. The command staff may seek corroboration and clarification: comments from witnesses; review the event as stated; commentary from the accused and third parties.  The Command Staff once the decision is made the complainant will receive a notice full explanation of our judgement though fair process of notices of verb, written actions and the final decision