Table of Contents:
• General Policies
• Content & Privacy Policy
• Mature Content Policy
• Discord Chat Policy
• AI Usage Policy
• Posting Format

Section 1 - General Rules
- All role players must be at least 18 years old real life to participate and follow the T.O.S. of Linden labs
- All Solaris and Gallant players must comply with Linden Lab Official: Clarification of policy disallowing age play and Discord Chat Policy.
- • All role players must respect command admins at all times. We're here to provide the most enjoyable experience possible for all role players -- don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
- • All role players must respect their fellow players at all times and follow the Golden Rule. Please be polite and cordial when dealing with your fellow writers.
- • All role players must adhere to the posting and activity guidelines listed in the sections below.
- • All role players must be active and HAVE FUN!
Section 2 - Writing Guidelines
- All posts must try their best contain proper English spelling, grammar and punctuation. Alien/foreign language is allowed in moderation but must not obfuscate dialogue.
- • All posts must follow the proper posting format, including the use of ON/OFF tags, timeline and location, and name signatures of all characters involved.
- • All content must fall within the story arc of the role play, General Family rating. You may not write scenes depicting graphic sex and violence; I no way for fashion anything pornography, no excessive gore. NO foul language may be used. When in doubt, think of a PG rated movie and err on the side of caution.
- • Joint post tags must be more than a single sentence or line of dialogue. Tags must be a combination of speech, action and/or thoughts.
- • No Role player may overwrite another player idea or change or edit their work without permission.
- • No role player may seriously harm or injure another player's character without permission from the character's player.
- • No role player may seriously damage or destroy any vessels (including Gallant) or technology within the story arc without permission from the Command ( game masters) of RP.
- • All subplots must be approved by Command Staff ( game masters.)
Section 3 - Activity Guidelines
- All role players are considered active unless stated otherwise. Any player who is unable to participate for more than a month must request a Leave of Absence (LOA). Role players who will be away from the role play for longer than eight weeks must request an Extended Leave of Absence (ELOA). All E/LOAs must indicate a return date.
- • No role player may abuse the E/LOA system.
- • All role players must publish a minimum of one multiplayer post (JP) per month and one personal log per month on our discord page. Solo chat posts are welcome but do not count towards the activity requirements.
- • Role players who are on LOA or ELOA are exempt from the posting requirements until they return to the role play
- • All Dept tags and correspondences must be answered in a timely fashion within 48 hours. If a role player is unable to respond within the allotted time frame, they are required to notify all command staff. Failure to Dept tag on-time without notification will result in penalty of negative XP point
- • Any active role player who does not log inworld or discord to participate for a period of four (4) consecutive weeks will be considered AWOL and removed from the role play story arc.
Section 4 - Enforcement
- All role players must respect each other at all times and follow the Golden Rule of the SIM and discord
- • Any role player who violates the group 's rules will be issued a 3-conduct warning.
- • Role players who persist in inappropriate conduct will be removed from the group

Section 1 - Content Rights and Permissions
- Solaris Base Station Website is an online collaboratively written multiplayer roleplay game based on roleplay events on Second Life. All rights to the website content are jointly shared by all current group role players. No single player or entity unilaterally controls the rights to any content. This includes characters, images and any forms of writing.
- • Unless credited otherwise, all content displayed within the website is the property of Solaris Base Station and Star Trek: Gallant and its participants.
- • No rights are granted to reproduce or share content outside of this website. Any other game or organization found to be distributing Solaris Base Station and or Gallant or content will be issued a content removal request. Our content terms is Copyright and All rights reserved. This publication contains the text of Title 17 of the United States Code
Section 2 - Player Privacy Policy
- Role Players retain the right to privacy in all Online -related communications. No website private messages, mailing list emails, or Discord server private messages are permitted to be shared to any 3rd-party (non-Solaris Base Station and or Gallant ) entities.
- • Violations of our role player privacy policy will result in removal from the inworld game and Discord
- • Translation Do not forward or share private messages, emails, private Discord server chats, or mailing list content to anyone outside of the role play game. Do not violate the privacy of your fellow role players or compromise the game's integrity. We are an independent website with no affiliation or obligation to any organization/parent group or other roleplay entity.

Section 1 - General Rules
- Refer to Second Life T.O.S. and other policies. All role players must be at least 18 years old to participate in our inworld group role play . Any role player found to be in violation of the age restriction will be immediately removed and barred from future participation.
- • No player may abuse the 18+ Content Policy. In the event of abuse, the game masters will remove the abusive player.
- • All role players must exercise class, discretion and sound judgement when writing content.
- • New role players may not post content until they have actively participated inworld aboard the game for one month and have successfully met their posting requirements.
- • Any scene or personal log containing 18+ content will be erased and action taking to make sure role play is a safe environment
Section 2 - Language
- The use of the F-word is prohibited at all times.
- • The use of religious terminology in a derogatory fashion is expressly prohibited.
- • The use of real-life racial slurs and/or epithets is prohibited.
Section 3 - Drama and Adult Context
- Role players may freely describe scenes and situations based on story arc without Drama
- • No role player may write, talk nor do anything that deals with sex.
- • The Command Staff (game masters) reserve the right to remove any sexual or Drama content
Section 4 - Violence
- Role Players may not depict scenes of graphic violence. * Linden Lab Policy
- • The use of excessive gore is prohibited. We are not writing a Saw film.
Section 5 - Drug Use
Role Players may only describe the use of any drugs and narcotics as well as the associated effects during a preset Medical Story Arc
any other form of fashion without approval will be immediate dismissal of role play
Section 6 - Other Considerations
- Any role player who is in doubt or unsure of what content is acceptable versus what is not, is encouraged to contact the Command Staff ( game masters). There is no harm in asking before you post content or do things, and we are happy to advise you.
- • Remember Just because you can post free style content doesn't mean it's always necessary or a good idea. Be smart and use your best judgement.

Section 1 - Conduct
All users are welcome Solaris Base Station Discord chat provided they follow the rules listed below. Violation of any of these rules will result in either a warning or ban. Discord participation is not mandatory . We encourage everyone to join, but it is not a requirement for game membership. ( Gallant role players refer to XP point program)
- • Please respect all users at all times and follow the Golden Rule.
- • Be polite and cordial, and do not post offensive remarks.
- • The use of racial slurs and epithets, coded offensive remarks, and derogatory religious terminology are strictly prohibited.
- • Do not chat in ALL CAPS.
- • Do not spam the chat with links, images, messages, etc.
- • Do not post or link any content which is obscene, insulting, malicious or disrespectful.
- • Please use the appropriately designated channels for all conversations and queries.
Section 2 - Guest Users
Solaris Base Station Discord server is home to both members of the game as well as any guests who may be browsing the group and this website. Guest users are easily identified by their standard gray-colored . All guests are encouraged to participate and chat, and below are some guidelines for guests to use while they are present in the public channels. Other channels are private for Gallant role players
- 1. Introduce yourself. We are friendly and want to meet new RPGers -- so don't be shy.
- 2. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you are a guest browsing our inworld settings, discord page and website and have any questions or comments about the game, we will be happy to help answer.
- 3. Be polite and civil. All guest users must remember they are visitors on another group's website. As such, please show respect to all users and treat them as you would like to be treated. Follow the Golden Rule.
- 4. Do not lurk. If there is a conversation happening, please try to take part in it. If you are new to chat rooms or feel uncomfortable talking, please be polite and say something along the lines of "Hi, I'm just visiting. Is it okay if I watch for a while?". Our answer will always be "Of course!".
Final Thoughts
Please remember that real-time chat, while fun and interactive, is also subject to the same challenges as other non-verbal interactions. Sometimes a message is not always received as it was intended, therefore all users should carefully choose their words and be open to reception. We are all real people behind our avatars and computer screens, and a message's intention is usually never as bad as it might originally seem.
Enjoy our group and chat!

Section 1 - Ethics of AI
As of Summer 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) remains a very hot and controversial topic among both professional and amateur writing groups. How much -- if any -- of a novel/poem/short story should be AI-written or 'assisted'? Some will argue that the user still has to input content into the AI generator and therefore AI is not 'fully creative'. To others, any use of AI is simply cheating.
Navigating the future of this new technology and its implications is difficult. Already, AI is being used across multiple industries, from assembling major motion picture trailers to writing Buzzfeed content. As technology advances faster than litigation can keep pace with, the onus to use AI is falling solely on content creators.
Here on Galileo, we recognize the nuance and rapidly-changing nature of this discussion. Our collaborative creative writing hobby is special to us and we do not seek to undermine the work of our excellent authors and those who came before them. The integrity of our game and the original content we produce is paramount.
We are not literary geniuses nor are we tabloid freelancers. We believe in learning, studying, then evaluating what this new technology can do and how it can impact our roleplay group for better or worse. Therefore, we've developed the following guidelines for AI usage within our game.
Section 2 - AI Language Model Use
- Please stay away from using AI- to write a Gallant role play. It takes away from the free style we try to use. However, AI-assisted content is permitted in the following use cases.
- • AI language models (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Bard, etc.) may be used to assist role players in the creation of character biographies by generating character concepts and ideas for the player. AI-written character bios are not permitted.
- • AI language models may be used to assist role players in the creation of character subplots by generating writing ideas for the player. AI-written subplots are not permitted.
- • No role player may use AI language models to generate tags, personal logs, solo posts, or any form of interpersonal communication between other players (including PMs, news articles, emails, etc.). Try to make you story and reports your own
Section 3 - AI Art/Image Generator Use
Due to current ongoing AI-image copyright litigation, the use of AI image generators (Bing, DALL-E, Midjourney, etc.) is prohibited for all website image content, including character avatars.
Final Thoughts
Solaris Base Station /Gallant is not an "AI sim". We recognize the benefits this technology can provide to our hobby; its optional use is designed to supplement our writing, not compliment it. As AI develops in the coming years and the discourse around its usage changes and adapts, so will our content policies. But our writing will always remain 100% original content.
Star Trek Roleplay /Discord Logs
*Green items are required for all posts
Section 1 - The Header
Stardate : (use stardate calculator )ex. Stardate: 73777.51
Mission: Episode ## - Mission Title (ex. Episode 8 - Outpost Cargo)
Location: Location of Space or USS Example - Deck ##, Room Title (ex. USS Gallant - Deck 03, Sickbay)
Section 2 - Content Body
Main body of content at least 50 words or more in length. Make it a story just not a sentence. If you do a large post. Please split into multiple parts for readability.
Section 3 - Delimiter
-- or — or ==
Section 4 - Signature Section
RANK Full Character Name
Character's Full Position Title
USS Example (ship name italicized)
RANK Full Character Name
Character's Full Position Title
USS Example (ship name italicized)
[Your Primary Character's Last Name] (ex. Smith)
Section 5 - Example Post
Mission Log Stardate: 73777.51
Episode 7 OUTPOST 79 CARGO
Location : Beta Quadrant
The USS GALLANT has been docked to outpost 79 in the Pacifica sector for a few days now. We have helped the staff of Outpost to bring items to each dept.
Slowly as new issues begin to slowly happen on Outpost as it did on the USS Gallant.
Both crews began running scans and test on the virus samples we brought over from the USS Gallant Both Admiral's along with commander Hywin, Lt. T’pau and our EXO Sciences specialist Promethea who after performing an electroanalysis by connecting with the ship systems concluded that there were two distinct electrical signals; bio-electric and direct current. This meant that the virus contained biological and synthetic components. Both crews scramble to help with this issue
After further analysis Most of the readout identified organic proteins, fluids and minerals, however it also showed a complete lack of iron in the scan. Further scan results suggested that the virus has an iron deficiency based on its organic makeup and the absence of iron, so it seeks out iron sources and establishes a parasitic relationship with an iron-rich host. It is for this reason that the virus attacked one of the Outpost 79 crew La'Nara so distinctively.
Security continues and integrates a visitor on Outpost 79 that might be a part of this group of malcontents and fearmongers
Medical works with engineers to learn that interesting part about this is that it targets specific iron levels. Furthermore, Promethea believes that the act of symbiosis is temporary and more like a form of transit, however she cannot be certain until she performs a synthetic analysis. Unfortunately, she was unable to perform this as she nearly risked infection herself and was forced to sever the link. Engineers also being to Unlink system on the outpost and radiate different systems to try to stop the flow of any substance that could travel system to system.
Both Crews continue to search for another strategy to attain more information about the virus and share our findings with others in the Federation Ships and Outpost we have relayed to the nearest outpost to our sector Admiral Matova of Galaxy Fleet Command and will be meeting with all Federation depts in the coming days.
Commander John Smith
Chief Engineering
USS Gallant NCC-74882-B