Manuals: 6
Total Pages: 39
Last Update: March 23, 2025


Who Are We?


Welcome to the Solaris Base Station, originally founded in 2014. The continue again to be our full immersion 3D virtual Sci-Fi Community /Trek influence place in Second Life. We are likeminded people to hang out socially or roleplay on a Federation Starship. Mission outlines are designed to allow improvised plot and character development.  Missions are played on starships, alien vessels, space stations and alien planets. Experience focusing on science, exploration and adventure.


Our main goal is to have a place where people feel happy to visit, socialize, roleplay and relax, we are open to new ideas and welcoming of all types of pg/mature rated avatars

Crew locations are available on the ship, shops and from time to time even a docked ship for roleplay outside one of our airlocks


A heavy cruiser, patrol, defend & explore RPG

Welcome aboard USS Gallant. Founded in 2016, our global online Sci fi community is the premier Star Trek play-by-Second Life RPG experience focusing on science, exploration and adventure.

  • Role play set in 2401

  •  Interactive episodes and story arcs

  • Unique, open characters can join in

  • A post-TNG Star Trek experience

  • Sovereign-class starship adventures

  • Space and planetary expeditions

  • Going on 8 years of adventures

Role play Overview

Our adventures take place in the Prime Universe set 13 years following the events of Star Trek: Nemesis. We are an alpha canon simulation but we try to  adopt the works of other fan fictions or licensed interpretations. The timeline to the right displays the alpha canon chronology of Star Trek events and crews.

Current Episode

Mission Parameters

Plot Synopsis

Gallant enters into the Typhon Expanse,   this region's position was labeled on a star chart used by Captain William T. Riker during his attempt at finding the last known location of the SS Eleos XII.    We are to go to the   Rojar System to research what happen in this system    Problem is where did they all go? And where is the missing VOD66 files?

Story Arc : Metaphysical  Practice

Title:  Dangerous Frontier (Season 8, Episode 3 )
Status: In Progress
Stardate: 75911.93

Location:  Beta Quadrant


Primary Goal(s): Starfleet's Planetary Sciences Division, USS Gallant and USS Hiryu   sent to discover the unknown reason of a lost star system and the threat of VOD66 falling in wrong hands again


Mission Focus: Adventure and Mystery
Mission Length: Long

Years ago a recent deep-space exploration mission had revealed the presence of a Class-G similar to Earth's sun and designated as Rojar 861. This star lies in the northern sector block beyond the Typhon Expanse, this area been colonized for my years but due to its close proximity to the Delta Quadrant and Borg space. With recent lack of Federation Fleet and the reopening of a  transwarp network, Starfleet has lost communication with the area that was colonized in the local vicinity.

Rojar 861 was discovered many years ago by USS Venture, a Galaxy Class explorer tasked with surveying the entire sector block.  Venture's initial long-range probe scans discovered year ago the star supports a solar system of five planets and numerous asteroids. One of these planets, a Class-S gas supergiant designated Rojar II, has numerous moons and resides within an ideal area inside the star's habitable zone. Initial scans have revealed at least two of these moons are Class-M worlds ideal for colonization. In addition, potential deuterium and dilithium deposits have been identified on several of the system's large asteroids.

Starfleet is curious to know why they lost communication with the system and the system must be fully examined and analyzed. Starfleet's Planetary Sciences Division has dispatched USS Gallant and USS Hiryu  to conduct the system survey. Both ships will rendezvous in the Expanse then proceed together to the Rojar system. All planets must be mapped and studied, and any possible resource deposits must be identified what happen



Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of game is this?

Solaris Base Station is played online using Second Life is a multiplayer virtual world that allows people to create an avatar for themselves and then interact with other users and user-created content within a multi-user online environment.  We also write fan fiction within the Star Trek universe for avatar enthusiasts within our group

Roleplay Guide


How do you play?

After signing up with Second life. Avatar Players log in to their choice of viewer to download from. (Firestorm viewer)

From there finding your place and location is simple. Joining and collaborate with members of our group to write and help play out scenes within a larger episode. These scenes (also called posts) are then published online once the authors have finished writing the content.

How can I join?

Prospective avatar players are encouraged to submit a Solaris Application Form. The Command Staff will then contact the applicant to begin the character creation process.




Past Episodes

All Episodes

ALL Seasons



" I've always held the Gallant close to my heart, it is one of those sims that makes you feel more like a family and the people you meet. You'll remember the active roleplay here . That sort of sim  that is very few full of friendly people  and requires a certain amount of TLC from its Command Staff and crew.  I am # GallantProud."

"I am usually quite picky when it comes to choosing a SIM I want to write on. A lot of different factors go into my choice, including things like community building, a strong focus on story elements, and an emphasis on character development that doesn't feel restricted.  USS Gallant is very open at all these things in abundance."

I’ve been simming since something like  2018, and I’m heartbroken that I didn’t find Galllant  until May of 2022. Aboard no other sim have I found such a high quality of interactive posting activity, Open writing and willing to try talent, diverse characters, variety of missions, and players that are both eager and welcoming. Gallant is one of a kind.

My favorite thing about the Gallant  is the scope of free writing and how they contribute they  allows for. When you've been writing on Trek sims for a while, there's a danger that missions can become stale. But we cover such a wide range of sub genres within our mission arcs that it's perfect  but they try to expand story's who really want something to get their teeth into.