

Solaris Base Station

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Season 8


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Located at the center of Deck 1, the bridge serves as the ship's primary command and control center. All ship functions can be accessed through the various consoles and terminals, and there are stations for most major departments.

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Conference Room

The conference room is a dedicated area on Sovereign-class starships located on Deck 1 near the ship's main bridge. It is a place where senior staff and/or civilian personnel can conduct meetings and various briefings.

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The arboretum is the ship's large Hydroponics, botanical garden. Considered a recreational area where crew members can relax in a natural setting, it also serves as an area of scientific research and study.

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Main Engineering

Deep in the bowels of the ship is main engineering, the vessel's power core and secondary command and control center. Operated by the Chief Engineer and their team of workers, it is the most vital and protected area on the ship, surrounded by multiple layers of internal and external hull plating.

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Chief Engineering Officer's Office

Located in main engineering, this office serves as a semi-private room for the Chief Engineer. From here, the CEO can monitor status reports and repairs from the comfort of his/her own desk, as well as access the ship's various systems.

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Officer's Lounge

The Officer's lounge /mess hall is a place on the ship where crew can relax and enjoy a meal or a quick snack in a social setting. Guest entertained. Gatherings are also held here.

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The Gal- Bar & Lounge

Located on the opposite side of Deck 10 across from the mess hall, "The Gal" Bar & Lounge is a crew recreational facility that supplements the mess hall's food service and entertainment capabilities. Specially designed for USS Gallant with the help of its personnel, the room provides a cozy atmosphere for leisurely activities.

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Senior Officer Quarters

The fifteen senior officer/VIP quarters aboard the ship are located on Decks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10. They are the most lavish and spacious living areas aboard USS Gallant and are normally reserved for the command staff, department heads, and VIPs.

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Security Office + Brig

Combining both facilities into a single one due to lack of space, the ship's security office is located in the same room as the brig. From here, Security personnel can conduct surveillance and investigations, and deal with any additional police matters.

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Transporter Rooms

The transporter rooms are an area of the ship which are specially outfitted to transport lifeforms and small, inanimate objects. Not to be confused with the cargo bay transporter, which is specifically designed for multiple large, inanimate objects requiring less resolution.

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Phaser Arrays

The ship's phaser arrays give the vessel substantial defensive capabilities. The Sovereign-class employed 16 phaser arrays at key locations throughout the ship's hull. Seven dorsal phaser arrays were located on the primary hull, one extending around the saucer section, giving it an oval appearance. Six smaller arrays covered the aft dorsal firing arcs and were located along the aft portion of the saucer section, above the main shuttlebay.

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Counselor's Office

The counselor's office is the workplace of the ship's counselors. It currently features subdued green and purple colors which are aesthetically pleasing and mentally soothing. It is equipped with several small tables and chairs, a large desk, and the obligatory psychologist's couch.

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Sickbay is the main medical center aboard the ship. It is presided over by the Chief Medical Officer and supported by various doctors and nurses. The area is also used for certain analyses of new lifeforms Gallant might encounter, and for developing treatments for unknown diseases or illnesses.

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Multi-Purpose Labs

USS Gallant has several multi-function laboratories which can be used for a variety of engineering, science, research, and experimentation purposes. These labs are scattered across Deck 3 and are the primary reason for the ship's existence.

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Auxiliary Shuttlebay

The auxiliary shuttlebay is a small hangar where shuttlepods and maintenance craft are launched, received, stored, and maintained. Similar to the main shuttlebay, the auxiliary bay is equipped with a tractor beam emitter in order to help facilitate the landing and departure procedure.

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Main Cargo Bay

Serving as the primary equipment and supply storage area aboard the Sovereign-class, the main cargo bay is located on Deck 15 along the ship's dorsal spine and houses the majority of the vessel's extra supplies and equipment necessary for an extended deployment into space.

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Main Shuttlebay

The shuttlebay is a large hangar where shuttlecraft are launched, received, stored, and maintained. The external space doors are usually kept closed, but are opened and replaced with a force field when a shuttlecraft is about to land or to be launched. This force field can be penetrated by the shuttlecraft itself while also preventing decompression of the shuttlebay. The shuttlebay is equipped with a tractor beam emitter in order to help facilitate landing and departure procedures.

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Torpedo Launching System

The ship's torpedo ordinance is regulated and deployed through this main system, a combination of several different sub-systems and compartments. Both launchers, forward-firing, have individual launching systems and separate ordinance magazines. Each sub-system can be accessed by the crew despite the fully automated process.

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Botany Lab

A specialized lab designed to study various forms of plant life, the Botany Lab is the ship's primary floral research center. Life science personnel who are trained in botany often work here and study various forms of both native and alien plant species.

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Geology Lab

The geology lab serves as the ship's primary geological research laboratory. Located on Deck 7 in close proximity to other types of laboratories, the geology lab's primary purpose is to study, compare, and analyze different types of solid silicates found on a variety of different planet types.

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Planetary Development Lab

A dedicated laboratory   aboard Sovereign -class starships, the planetary development lab is a specialized workplace where planetary scientists can perform research and experiments on various elements of celestial bodies while simultaneously collecting and interpreting real-time data from the surface.

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Junior Officer Quarters

The eight junior officer quarters -- designated for non-department head officers -- are located on Deck 3  and Deck 4 . These quarters are double-occupancy and, while more spacious and well-equipped than enlisted quarters, lack the floor space and furniture of senior officer quarters.

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Enlisted Quarters

The 40 enlisted and civilian personnel aboard Gallant live in standard crew quarters. Because of the small size of the ship, these quarters typically house two crewmen at a time. The rooms are small and sometimes set up in a bunk-bed configuration, however the beds may be separated if desired at the cost of floor space.

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Observation Lounge

The observation lounge is a recreational area aboard USS Gallant  where the crew go to unwind and relax. Being one of the largest rooms aboard the starship, it can also used for large crew functions and special events, including diplomatic functions.

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USS Gallant has two holodecks located on Deck 8 and Deck 9. Both are to different sizes and configuration and can be configured and operated independently of one another to serve a variety of functions. The crew primarily use them for R&R, research and science simulations, and training.

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Auxiliary Cargo Bay

The Sovereign -class has many different cargo bays, one secondary cargo bay located towards the aft end of Deck 5, behind and below the main cargo bay. It serves as the backup storage facility for the starship and also as a secondary medical triage center during emergencies.

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Astrometrics Lab

Also known as stellar cartography, and though similar to the other scientific laboratories aboard the ship, the astrometrics lab has greater command and control capability. From here, crew are able to integrate long-range sensors and communications in addition to performing standard research and observation.

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